Granville Subdivision Davao is a housing project of Prestige Homes & Realty Development Corp. located in Catalunan Pequeño, Davao City. It is a middle cost subdivision located right across Residencia Del Rio Subdivision. It has five model houses: MARK, MIKE, KEN, KEAN (Sold Out) and MICO (Sold Out). Granville Subdivision is a middle cost housing with a very nice amenities and acceptable installment payment scheme. Due to overwhelming response from the buyers in Granville I & II, the developer offer another range of model houses in Granville III and Granville Crest.
- More than 10 hectares
- More than 500 houses
- Concrete perimeter fence, roads with curves and gutter
- Underground drainage system
- Water Supply by DCWD
- Wide roads with planning strips and side walks.
- Granville Grand Entrance with Landmark
- Guard House with 24 hours CCTV
- Pavilion or Clubhouse
- Parks & Playground
- Pond & Gazebo
- Adult Swimming Pool
- Kiddie Pool with Cabañas
- Allocated Commercial Area along Barangay Road
- Allocated Nursery School along Barangay Road
- Allocated spaces for parks, playground and green area
MICO (Duplex) – 2 Bedrooms, 1 Toilet & Bath

[ Click here to view the FLOOR PLAN of MICO House ]
[ Click here to view the SAMPLE COMPUTATION of MICO House]

Click here to view MIKE Sample Computation

Click here to view KEN Sample Computation
GRANVILLE AERIAL VIEW VICINITY MAP Aside from generous amenities, Granville Subdivision of Prestige Home Realty also offers a generous HOUSE FEATURES:
- DOORS: Panel Doors for Main and Service; Fiber Boards for Bedroom doors ; PVC Door for Toilet and Bath
- WINDOWS: Sliding Windows with GRILLS
- WALLS: EXTERIOR: Solid Concrete Pre-cast ; INTERIOR –Solid Concrete Pre-cast walls or dry walls
- FLOORING : 16×16 Granite Tiles for Living, Dining and Kitchen Area; Ceramic Tiles for all Bedrooms (Wooden design) ; Ceramic tiles up to the window sill for Toilet and Bath
- ROOFING: Lavern type colored roofing with Roof insulator ; Steel trusses for Roof framing with gutter, downspout and catch basin
- CEILING : Hardiflex Board or PVC soffit.
- KITCHEN: Granite slab for kitchen counter with based and overhead cabinets.
- Toilet and Bath: Water Closet – Flush type with lavatory.
- BUILT-IN CABINETS for all Bedrooms
- SEMI-LANDSCAPE (infront of the house)
- Laundry Area and drying area with Hangers
- Carport driveway with concrete pavement