Laureana Grand Plain is the newest mid-cost housing in Libby Road, Puan / Bago Oshiro, Davao City.
It is a 13.5 hectares subdivision that offers Lot Only and House Lot units currently in its initial offfering.
License to Sell #: 2021-024
Developer: Santos Land (SLDC)
Project Preview From Above:
Price Range Per Sq.m.
P14k – P15,680 only
Cash Price: Less 14.5% discount
30% CASH downpayment: Less 3% discount on the DP.
30% downpayment (Installment) = 0% interest for 6 months
70% Remaining Balance payable for 5 -10 years.
Contact us to assist you.
Sample Computation : 193 sq.m
For more inquries on this property, Please contact the Real Estate Specialist below:

Krista De Los Reyes
Mobile No. : 09282656591
Email : [email protected]