Is It True That a Condominium Building Will Be Knocked Down After 50 Years?

A common concern among prospective condominium buyers in the Philippines is the belief that condominium buildings have a fixed lifespan of 50 years and will automatically be demolished afterward. This assumption has led to hesitation among real estate investors and homeowners. However, the truth is far more complex, and the idea that all condominiums are demolished after 50 years is a misconception.

The Truth About Condominium Lifespan: What Happens After 50 Years?

Understanding the 50-Year Condominium Myth

The misconception stems from the corporate lifespan of a condominium corporation, which is typically set at 50 years under Philippine law. However, this does not mean that the physical structure of the condominium property is automatically demolished. Instead, the condominium corporation, much like any other corporation, has the option to renew its registration for another 50 years, ensuring continued management and operation of the property.

Legal Basis: Republic Act No. 4726 (The Condominium Act)

The Condominium Act of the Philippines (RA 4726) provides clear guidelines on condominium ownership and management. According to Section 8 of the law:

“That project has been in existence in excess of fifty years, that it is obsolete and uneconomic, and that condominium owners holding in aggregate more than fifty percent interest in the common areas are opposed to repair or restoration or remodeling or modernizing of the project.”

This means that a condominium building is not automatically demolished after 50 years. Instead, three specific conditions must be met before any redevelopment or demolition takes place:

  1. The condominium must be over 50 years old.
  2. It must be considered obsolete and uneconomical.
  3. More than 50% of unit owners must agree that the building should be demolished rather than repaired or modernized.

If these conditions are not met, the condominium can continue to exist beyond the 50-year mark.

Factors That Determine a Condominium’s Longevity

Several factors contribute to the lifespan of a condominium, including:

  • Structural Integrity: Modern condominium buildings are constructed using durable materials designed to withstand decades of use. Proper maintenance and periodic renovations can extend a building’s usability.
  • Regular Maintenance and Repairs: A well-maintained condominium unit and building can last well beyond 50 years. Regular upkeep, renovation, and upgrades ensure the safety and functionality of the property.
  • Condominium Corporation’s Decision: Since condo unit owners collectively own the property, major decisions, such as redevelopment, are subject to a voting process. If the majority of owners opt for continued maintenance rather than redevelopment, the building remains operational.

What Happens If a Condominium Is Demolished?

Even in cases where a condominium building is deemed obsolete and voted for demolition, unit owners do not simply lose their investment. Typically, the land where the condominium stands is sold to developers, and proceeds from the sale are distributed among unit owners based on their share of ownership. This ensures that owners are compensated, and they can reinvest in new real estate properties if they choose.

Should You Be Concerned?

The belief that all condominium buildings are demolished after 50 years is a myth. The real determinant of a condominium’s future is the structural condition of the building and the decision of the unit owners. If a condominium is well-maintained, it can remain a valuable asset for generations.

Rather than worrying about an arbitrary 50-year limit, potential real estate buyers should focus on key factors such as developer reputation, building management, and property maintenance when investing in a condominium unit. A well-managed condo remains a profitable investment well beyond its corporate lifespan, offering long-term value to its owners.